Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life
  • 2017-06 - Relative to declaring the day after Thanksgiving as a Government of Guam Holiday
  • 2016-02 - Change in Audit Dates
    • ​Effective 2017, all annual audits for your agency or department must be completed by April 30. This move is to accommodate external reporting requirements
  • 2015-15 - Relative to requiring all Government of Guam Agencies Autonomous Instrumentalities, Commissions and Boards to develop and implement a Language Access Plan (LAP)
  • 2015-12 - Relative to declaring the day after Thanksgiving a holiday
  • 2015-09 - Relative to the GovGuam Policy for social media
  • 2014-20 - Relative to declaring the day after Christmas a holiday
  • 2014-13 - Relative to creating and authorizing the Imagine Guam Program
  • 2014-05 - Relative to declaring Guam History Chamorro Heritage Day a holiday 
  • 2013-04 - Relative to lifting the freeze on salary step increases for all Government of Guam executive branch employees by rescinding Executive Order 2011-14
  • 2013-03 - Relative to creating a Guam Science and Technology committee to develop and implement a Science and Technology education and workplace development plan
  • 2012-14 - Relative to reducing Holiday Pay to mitigate the Government of Guam financial crisis
  • 2012-03 - Relative to empaneling the Educational Learning Task Force
  • 2008-20 - Relative to declaring a continuing state of emergency in order to allow Government of Guam agencies and instrumentalities to assist in repairing GPSS schools
  • 2005-28 - Relative to re-defining the positions exempted by the Fair Labor Standards Act from minimum wage and overtime positions and re-designating bonafide executive, administrative and professional categories previously designated by Executive Order 95-11. A policy is hereby established to declare employees occupying exempt positions ineligible to be compensated for overtime hours or compensatory time worked, and directing immediate implementation.

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